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Attractive Design High Comfort Ladies Sandals

Attractive Design High Comfort Ladies Sandals

Product Details:


Attractive Design High Comfort Ladies Sandals Price And Quantity

  • 120 Pair
  • 490 INR

Product Description

Walk mile after mile with greatest ease wearing our highly stylish Ladies Sandals. Meant for women, these sandals are long-lasting as well as light in weight. Mesh upper for breathability, these also have padded collar tongue for moderating as well as lace-up tie. Bestowed with modish looks, trendy designs and durable structure, these sandals insure durability in their serviceability duration. Provided high-quality Ladies Sandals come with assorted colors and exquisite designs.
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  • 50
  • 100
  • 200
  • 250
  • 500
  • 1000+
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